Thursday, March 28, 2013

Oggi e giovedi, 28 marzo, 2013 - Holy Thursday

And now for today.

(Last night, just to preface, I wrote a post card to Pope Francis on the back of an image of Our Lady of Czestochowa.) We awoke and left for the Chrism Mass at six. It was raining when we arrived in St. Peter's, but we dodged a bullet because the line tripled in length after we reached our place. Even so, some sisters near the front of the line let us stand with them.

We had a lengthy wait ahead of us, and I really wanted to confess before the Triduum "kicked off". Corinne and Gracie found an American priest who heard my confession right by the obelisk. Here's a weird story to tell one day - I went to confession in St. Peter's Square in the rain. The priest just handed me an umbrella, pulled his stole from his bag, and started. It was a surprise but it was perfect, because the line launched after that. We zipped into the basilica; Corinne gave me a seat right on the aisle, next to a guard and a baby. I was sure Francis would stop. 

When the priests processed in, we saw a stole with Jerzy Popielusko on it! (I love him, it's unbelievable.) After Mass, Francis did not stop for anyone, but a cardinal took my post card and brought it to him. Oh my goodness. It was just a short note, a thank you, a Happy Easter, and an imploring to move into the Vatican palaces (respectfully requested, he'll do what's right, I'm sure). To think that Francis may read it astounds me. 

I slept for a long time after we returned, and when I woke I didn't want to join everyone for Sepulchro, but I pulled myself from bed and thank God. We met in Santa Maria in Trastevere and started, in the dim basilica with the altar of repose adorned with lilies and candles. Corinne led us through a quick not-meditation, but a "meditation prompt" of sorts, or part of the history of the church, or just a quick preface, and we prayed privately inside. From there we went to Santa Maria della Orta, which was new to me, and beautiful, baroque and pitch black except for all the candles on the altar. I cried.

We went S. Benedetto, S. Cecilia, S. Agata, and ended at S. Crosoginus- I cannot remember the seventh, though I can picture it entirely in my mind. What a beautiful tradition, and what a mind blowing thought that after all those churches, we barely visited any compared to the number of churches in Rome.

We have adoration tonight, so I need to sleep. Will discuss tomorrow. 

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